When you need an industrial door that is required to open and shut either quickly or frequently Hormann have a high speed industrial door, also known as a fast action door, which is perfect for the task.
"Quick and easy operation to save your business time and money in the future."
The fast action industrial doors are designed to open within a couple of seconds as someone moves towards the door, then stays open while they are near until when it is clear when it will quickly close behind them. This means that with an insulated fast action door you can keep heat within the property helping you to minimise your future costs. The high speed industrial door is made out of PVC so to allow quick movement as people enter and exit the premises.
"Fast Action industrial doors are available in a range of different colours, and generally containing a transparent panel for you to see through."
If you are planning on using a forklift through the industrial door and you were to hit any of the mechanism then we at SWGD can come to you to help you repair the door quickly so it affects your business for the smallest amount of time.
We are always here to help so contact SWGD today. |